
IReL review: findings and recommendations published

IReL “is considered by all stakeholders to be an important and effective part of the infrastructure of higher education and research” in Ireland. The review of IReL has now concluded and its report is now available. The review began in 2018, the request of the Governance Committee of the Irish University Libraries Collaboration Centre (IULCC), …

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Vacancy: Open Scholarship Officer

Maynooth University is recruiting an Open Scholarship Officer to join the IReL team. Applications are sought for the position which will support IReL’s Open Access (OA) negotiations. For more information on the role click here

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ConsortiaManager: IReL’s new management system

IReL is implementing a new management system: ConsortiaManager, a service from a Danish company specifically for library consortia to manage workflows of agreement negotiations, licenses, ordering and invoicing, journal collection title lists and usage statistics. ConsortiaManager is a popular platform for library consortia internationally, including Bibsam, DEFF and SCELC.

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TU Dublin – City Campus joining IReL e-resource agreements

IReL is delighted to welcome TU Dublin – City Campus (formerly Dublin Institute of Technology) as our newest member. We are working with them to include them in all IReL publisher agreements renewed in 2019. This includes: Publisher Resource AAAS (Science) Science Online AACR (American Association for Cancer Research) AACR journals AAI (American Association of …

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IReL supporting EUA Open Access study

IReL and the Irish Universities Association are supporting a major study by the European Universities Association to explore future scenarios for new Open Access publishing agreements. “The study intends to analyse the impact of the ‘read-and-publish’ (R&P) agreements on the scholarly publication system, while proposing new, viable ways to comply with the increasing number of …

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New IReL website

Welcome to our new site! And farewell to the old site, which lives on in the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine.  Ian Maleney was the web developer for this site and we would like to thank him for his excellent work, and for all his help and advice.  For more information on Ian’s work visit his …

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Strategic review of IReL

On the invitation of the Governance Committee of the IULCC, the HEA has initiated an independent strategic review of IReL, with support for the review from across government. This review will clarify the opportunities and challenges that face IReL, set out best practice in the provision of national research e-library services, and propose strategic options …

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