Pure/ORCID Integration Details
- Elsevier are ORCID members and Pure (version 9.0 or higher) is an ORCID-enabled system.
- Pure can be used to:
- assert the organisation to the researchers’ ORCID record
- import data from ORCID to Pure
- import data from Scopus using the ORCID iD as a search parameter
- update Pure records with ORCID metadata
- add works to the researchers’ ORCID records
- insert a link in their ORCID records to their public Pure portal pages
- Pure enables administrative monitoring of researchers’ use of ORCID and creates reports of the content.
- To begin integrating ORCID using your Member API with Pure, contact Pure support.
- In the user’s Pure profile page, under Personal Overview > Edit Profile, the user is presented with the ORCID ‘Create or Connect your ORCID ID’ option. Following this link completes the authentication process between the Pure and ORCID systems, presenting the user with the option to give permission for data transfer between systems. A demonstration can be seen in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=QzDITepzH-g&feature=emb_logo (in particular 1:35-4:20). NB: the process is only completed once the profile has been saved, and once the user has followed the verification link in the confirmation email that they received from ORCID.
- If the permission is revoked by the user from their ORCID profile settings, the permission/token will be automatically revoked within the Pure system and when an update is attempted, the administrator will be notified in the log that authorisation has been revoked. However, the ORCID iD will remain within the Pure system on the researcher’s profile page. See this demonstrated here https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/13819/189699 (46:41 – 47:50).
- Note: if the Exporting Data from Pure to ORCID functionality (see below) is not enabled within Pure, the authentication stage will only seek permissions for Pure to get the researchers’ ORCID iD and will not seek or receive permissions to write to the ORCID record with the Member ORCID API.
Importing Data from ORCID to Pure
https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/15385/335511 (12:30-15:30)
- This functionality is to be found under Research Output > Import from Online Source > Import from ORCID.
- The ORCID iD is used to search the ORCID registry. The ORCID iD is prefilled once authentication has been completed, but the content of this field may be manually overwritten.
- Pure uses ORCID’s Public API to facilitate this transfer of data, meaning that only records marked public on the ORCID record are available to import to Pure. Please note ORCID enables members to request permission to read ‘trusted party’ data on a Researchers record, but Pure does not facilitate the importing of this data.
- Only publications which have not already been exported by Pure to ORCID are presented as import candidates to prevent duplication.
- Individual search results can then be individually imported (or removed).
Importing Data from ORCID to Update Pure Records
- The Available Updates from Online Sources feature provides more comprehensive metadata for existing Pure records from Scopus, Web of Science, WoSLite, Embase, Mendeley, PubMed and ORCID (depending on which external sources the institution subscribes to and the administrator has enabled).
- Pure provides for logic-based rules to enable the administrator to select actions to be taken on specific fields for each source, i.e. if a particular metadata property (e.g. Place of Publication) is found in ORCID, then there is the choice to automatically accept when blank / automatically accept and overwrite / ignore if only property / ignore always. See https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/15385/347480 (18:08 – 21:10)
- The potential update results are notified to administrators (and/or editors and validators but not individual researchers) under Editor > Research Output > Update Candidates and presented for review in an editor screen entitled Available updates from online sources, with the new content highlighted (see https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/15385/335511 from 6:50 – 8:00).
- This import for updating action is performed as a CRON job and is enabled by default. Pure enables administrators to configure the number of years to retrospectively scan for updates.
Exporting Data from Pure to ORCID
- The export to ORCID function is disabled by default. To turn it on, the administrator must go to Configuration > Export to ORCID window and toggle the Export content to ORCID
- Once the researcher has authenticated with ORCID and has given permission to Pure, Pure will immediately and automatically populate and keep the individual’s ORCID record up-to-date with publication data from Pure.
- Within the administrator configuration screen for Export to ORCID, the administrator also sets the Effective Workflow Step from which point data is automatically sent to ORCID (e.g. created, validated). See a screenshot here: https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/pure/roadmap/releases/pure-5.5
- If enabled by the administrator, the researcher can initiate an export of data on demand from Pure to ORCID from their Pure profile page, through an Export button which will be visible next to their ORCID iD after authentication, together with the date of last export (see https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/pure/roadmap/releases/pure-5.5). All content will be re-exported to ORCID through this process, regardless of when it was last updated.

- The following data is exported from Pure to ORCID:
- publications – exported when the visibility is set to public, and dependent on the workflow status and publication status (accepted/in press, e-pub ahead of print, published, in preparation, submitted, unpublished) which are configurable by the administrator
- affiliation details – these are supported by Ringgold IDs which are added at the administrator level (see here https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/pure/roadmap/releases/pure-5.5). The administrator can select whether to export general affiliation or detailed (department, role, dates) affiliation data and also whether to export only active affiliations: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/15385/410631 (24:00 – 25:40)
- other IDs – Scopus author ID, Researcher ID, Digital Author ID
- the Pure Portal URL – if enabled by the administrator (see here: https://www.elsevier.com/solutions/pure/roadmap/releases/pure-5.5).
- The administrator selects the frequency of automatic Pure to ORCID CRON jobs with the choice of weekly, daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly, manually or on a custom timeframe.
Display ORCID iD
- Pure displays ORCID iDs on user profiles according to the ORCID display requirements.
Pure/ORCID Credentials Process
Members using Pure do not need to demonstrate their integration on the ORCID Sandbox. Members are able to review the integration within their PURE test environment if you wish to do so. When applying for credentials mention that you are using Pure in the notes field and ensure that you are using version 5.9.0 (or higher), which supports ORCID API 2.0.
Additional Features
ORCID as a search parameter when importing from Scopus
- Under Research Output > Import from Online Source > Import from Scopus, the ORCID iD can be used to search Scopus for publications to import to Pure (see here https://www.slideshare.net/ORCIDSlides/orcid-in-platforms-and-services-elsevier-s-riddell (in particular slide 7). Please note that the ORCID iD is entered manually for this feature and is not authenticated, therefore name disambiguation cannot be guaranteed.
Future Developments
This is the current Pure/ORCID roadmap:
12-18 months:
- Expand on ORCID types exported to ORCID to include:
- activities-conference talks/presentations
- software
- datasets
- Add ORCID iDs search support for CrossRef
- Add metrics to track how, and how many, users are using the ORCID integration
- Add datasets as content type to import from ORCID
Beyond 18 months:
- Update to ORCID API 3.0
- Continuously investigate API 3.0 and add new available fields
- Add option to possibly exclude the root organization
- Make it visible when a person revokes Pure/ORCID authentication by removing the token (and logging it)