
Irish ORCID Steering Group

The strategic agenda for the consortium is set by the Irish ORCID Steering Group. It facilitates the Irish research community to: identify goals share knowledge monitor progress, and encourage the system wide adoption of ORCID in Ireland. The current membership of the Irish ORCID Steering Group is: Fran Callaghan Maynooth University (IUA Representative) Tim Conlon …

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APA, IReL reach ‘read and publish’ agreement

The American Psychological Association and IReL have reached a “read and publish” agreement that will combine reading access to APA journals with immediate open access publishing for IReL authors. Read the full press release on APA’s website.  Further information on the agreement. 

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WordPress is a free and open-source content management system. WordPress is not an ORCID-enabled system and (to our knowledge) no ORCID members are integrating with WordPress through custom member API integrations. There are currently two WordPress ORCID plugins: ORCID WordPress Plugin: https://github.com/ServerDotBiz/orcid. This displays ORCIDs in comments and posts, but does not contain authentication of …

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Omeka is a free, flexible, and open-source web-publishing platform for the display of library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions. The platform is a Digital Scholar project, originally launched at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM). Omeka is not an ORCID-enabled system and (to our knowledge) no ORCID members are integrating with Omeka …

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Irish ORCID Consortium Shared Outreach Documentation Hub Irish ORCID Consortium Outreach Resources Dublin City University LibGuide https://dcu.libguides.com/orcid Irish Research Council Funding Acknowledgement Guidelines https://research.ie/assets/uploads/2021/07/Funding-Acknowledgement-Guidelines-1.pdf University of Galway LibGuide https://libguides.library.nuigalway.ie/researchprofiles/ORCIDid Trinity College Dublin LibGuide https://libguides.tcd.ie/researchprofile/ORCID University College Cork LibGuide https://libguides.ucc.ie/ORCID University College Dublin LibGuide https://libguides.ucd.ie/orcid University of Limerick LibGuide https://libguides.ul.ie/c.php?g=223830&p=4774333 ORCID Outreach, Advocacy & Engagement Resources …

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